Aims and Values



Consent is key, concensus the goal.


Share knowledge to create konwledge.


Access to Free Knowledge and FAIR data is essential to a democratic society.


Collaborative computer supported work can bridge the widest gaps in human knowledge.


Embrace intellectual curiosity and critical thinking in the pursuit of truth and transparency.


Value volunteers, cultivate collaboration, foster feedback and learn lessons.


Stay safe.


Stay critical.



BNW aims to make scientific knowledge accessible in a beginner-friendly and barrier-free way.


Following the example of pioneering role models – „maiLab“ and „kurzgesagt“ should be mentioned here – BorgNetzWerk has set itself the goal of closing gaps in German-language science communication. This is to be achieved by a multi-track internet presence, which is characterized by cooperation, competence, transparency and comprehensibility. BorgNetzWerk wants to contribute to the fact that we as a society can agree on a „smallest common reality“.

Plans and Visions

BorgNetzWerk plans to produce, sort and structure videos, texts, summaries, collections of quotations and literature and fact checks. BorgNetzWerk aims to provide stimuli for critical thinking and to provide sound judgment training. To this end, a knowledge base is to be built up along the lines of Wikipedia, although BorgNetzWerk intends to do this on a far more personal level:

Information is subject to the authority of expertise and trust. The stronger the trust of the scientific world in an author, the more present his or her voice. Trust is the most important resource of science communication, and it is based on expertise and transparency.

Legal Form


As many movements, e.g. Wikimedia describes here, the creation of public benefit oriented platforms is not yet a recognized public benefit. Until then, we see ourselves in the conventional categories as follows: (Details)

  • 100 % Support for science and research
  • 95 % Promotion of education, popular education and vocational training, including student aid
  • 60 % Promotion of nature conservation, including climate protection
  • 25 % Promotion of civic engagement for the benefit of charitable and benevolent purposes


BorgNetzWerk is not materially motivated – „idealistic“ is the economic counter term here. Nevertheless, we invest resources to make this project real. To ensure that trust is always in the foreground, we want to disclose all income and expenses in a fully transparent manner.

  • Stufe 0: Investition
    To start BorgNetzWerk did cost about 800 €, with about 400 € per year. This investment is worth it to solve the problems of our time.
  • Stufe 1: Self-supporting
    Donations allow to cover the costs.
  • Stufe 2: Founding
    Donations and grants enable to establish a non-profit company. Expected costs: about 1000-2000 € (Details)
  • Stufe 3: Supporting
    We can pay some positions. Primarily student assistants are addressed to get the target group on board and provide you platform to solve the problems of students.

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